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“I simply meant that in my opinion there are very few animals that do their animal stuff to amuse your mother and her yoga partners as they are sitting in lotus position on their high-visibility mats on the beach, inhaling and exhaling at fifty-fucking-euros an hour.”
“That ‘very few’ sounded slightly arrogant.”
“And what did it sound like when she said that birds flying in formation into the sunset across the bay — sic erat scriptum! or dixit, rather — is a proof of a higher power bestowing upon us beauty to admire, tranquility to embrace and the wonder of humanity to marvel at? How did that exactly sound to you? Those things are simple stupid birds! Does she realise that? They’ve got nothing to do with humanity and if they did they’d feel completely ashamed and would jump off the nearest cliff.”
“You sound a tad spiteful tonight. But that’s all right.”
“Animals eat, shit and mate. Full stop. That’s all they do! They don’t discuss their emotions, not even which way to fly for the winter and they definitely won’t be smiling at your mother from sixty feet above. They stare at the ass of the one flapping just before them and that is how they keep that V-shaped flight straight. And I cannot go through bottles of Bollinger Brut and those flimsy gooey fish-smelling things she serves for finger-food and stay serious about all that shit. I’m sorry, but I’m cut out for that.”
“You are in love with your pain. Another dink?”